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Discover the Magic of Learning

Where Children Play, Learn, and Grow Together


At Mersiha's Family Daycare, we believe that artistic expression is a vital component of a child's development. Our experienced staff encourages creativity and imagination in every child, providing them with the tools and support they need to express themselves through various mediums.

Musical Discovery

We understand the importance of music in a child's life, which is why we offer a range of musical activities at our daycare. From singing and dancing to playing instruments, our program helps children develop an appreciation for music while also enhancing their cognitive abilities.

Active Play

Physical activity is essential for a child's growth and development, which is why we prioritize movement and play at our daycare. Our outdoor play area provides a safe and stimulating environment for children to explore, play, and develop their motor skills.

Language Learning

Mersiha's Family Daycare provides an immersive language learning experience for children. Our staff is fluent in multiple languages and uses a variety of techniques to help children develop their language skills while also fostering a love for language and culture.

Mathematical Exploration

We believe that math is an important subject that should be introduced to children at a young age. Our program includes a range of activities that help children develop their math skills, including counting games, puzzles, and more.

Outdoor Adventures

At Mersiha's Family Daycare, we understand the importance of spending time outdoors. Our outdoor adventures program provides children with the opportunity to explore nature, learn about the environment, and develop a love for the great outdoors.

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